Saturday, December 20, 2008


Today I officially graduated from OU with my master's. Instead of paying money to sit around and listen to a boring speech I spent the day going to my wonderful friend Morgandi's baby shower. When I got home Ben had decorated the house with pictures of libraries and was in the middle of making a Mexican feast! My parents, brother and sister and brother-in-law all came over and the Stansberry's surprised me on their way home from Elk City. I had such a fun night!

Today was a little anticlimatic since the most stressful part of grad school was over in October. These are the pictures of OU I took on the day I took comps. The sun was just about to rise. You have to take comps early!

Bizzell Library, where appropriately enough the library school is located and I took all of my classes.

I always hung out in this garden before my classes.

Before I took my test I went up into the great reading room (it's a little Harry Potter). It was completely empty and I sat there and said a little prayer.

My graduation cake from my mom.

Aidan and Vivian had so much fun playing.


storybeader said...

congrats! I love the OU campus - graduated from Library School in 1985. This really makes it a happy holiday (I don't remember going to my graduation ceremony either!)

Jayspee27 said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I still love you in spite of your OU tendencies and ps...I love the pic of Aidan and Viv