Aidan is sporting an uncomfortable face rash as the result of some major teething (or maybe she's been trying on makeup at Sephora without using a q-tip, who knows). Anyways she is mighty uncomfortable. What do you put on your baby's face when they have the drool rash?
I am mortified
Eucerin or Nystatin Cream.. always worked when my little man was a baby.
Aquaphor is what we used. Just something to keep it moist. Kaison gets in the winter really bad and passies make it worse.
I was going to say Aquaphor as well. Dry it really good and slather in on. Anything to keep the moisture out. Hope it helps!
Diaper rash cream.
We use aquaphor too (made by Eucerin)...although a friend recommended vagisil to me because they said it is actually a yeast rash from the drool. I never put it on my boys, but it kind of made sense.
I always felt weird putting lotions or creams on my kids' faces so I just use a thin layer of Vaseline, especially at bedtime. I would sometimes sterilize Abbey's pacifiers too if she had a face rash, just to not add to the problem.
She's still so darn cute!
Drooling is my specialty! My son drooled so heavily, I ended up designing a whole line of products that deal with the constantly wet shirts caused by it. (
Once I got the wet shorts problem licked, what to do about the chin rash? Vaseline works just as well as Aquafor (we've used both). Our pediatric dermatologist told us she prefers Vaseline because it has no lanolin, and it's cheaper too. The key is to dry it well before applying and keep it up throughout the day.
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