Friday, April 24, 2009

Flashback Friday-Black Tie

I keep meaning to join in on Melida's fun Friday blog posts but I never have a camera or album handy when I need it.

I suppose instead of Black Tie this should be Plaid Kilt. This was at the Robbie Burns dinner for Chi Lamba Phi our senior year of college. Also known as the LONGEST BANQUET EVER. Even longer than Braveheart. You know what guys in Chi like to talk about? Chi. For hours and hours. I didn't think I was getting out alive. I love those guys but holy cow. I enjoyed my dear Gamma Rho but after 4 hours of Rho Babys I would have had to wrap it up you know?

This is the picture that Ben always makes me crop because of a certain goofy sock situation...

...but today I forgot:)If it makes you feel any better Ben my dress was like a foot too long because me and Tracy Hankins switched dresses the night before and I forgot I was a midget.


Melinda said...

I am so glad you got to join in this week!! These photos are great. I love the one sock up one sock down look : )

As for longest banquets ever...Delta might have everyone beat. We got to watch hours of intramural sports videos.

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Great photos, I think the sock really makes the picture. It's a memory:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dara.

If this picture was a series of math problems, here's how it would add up:

Clean cut college senior + awkward smile = Dork
Dork + black socks and pasty white legs = Loser
Loser + oversized kilt = Renaissance Fair

+ Loser
+ Renaissance Fair
+ Insanely beautiful lady in a red dress
= A true American hero,
A god among men, and...
A real straight shooter with upper-management

Heidi said...

aw, so glad you "forgot" to crop the pic today. The sock look was awesome!

Mandy said...

YAY! I'm so glad you joined in! By the way, Melinda is right about the Delta banquet, the longest night ever!